Hello. I'm writer Antoinette Beard/Sorelle Sucere. Welcome to my blog, which is dedicated to all the loving, intelligent, brave, wise, strong, gentle, kind, sweet-and-geeky, humble-and-patient, --- whether they have hands, paws, hooves, wings, fins, or even, --- yes, flippers, --- and to all eager readers and hard-working authors, everywhere. ;)
I love all creatures. I consider them, all of them, to be sentient beings... I write thrillers, fantasy, mysteries, gothic horror, romantic adventure, occult, Noir, westerns and various types of short stories. I also re-tell traditional folk tales and make old fairy tales carefully cracked. I'm often awake very early in the morning. A cuppa, and fifteen minutes later I'm usually writing something. ;)
Sunday, June 30, 2024
Wednesday, June 26, 2024
Tuesday, June 25, 2024
Hi, I'm a snail... I DO GOOD so please don't kill me!!!...,
Hi, I am a SNAIL. I know I sometimes cause trouble by feeding on your garden plants. But please, don't kill me with poisons that cause suffering and contaminate your garden! Instead, use coffee grounds around your plants. I'll stay away, and you'll nourish the soil since coffee grounds make a great fertilizer.
If you see me stuck to a pot, don't pull me away; my protective covering will break, and I could die. And if you notice small snails following me, please leave them be. They are my delicate offspring with soft, fragile shells. Not many of them survive, but we are essential to the ecosystem and have an ancient history.
Please help us survive. 🐌
Monday, June 24, 2024
Sunday, June 23, 2024
The Merry Meet Murders, ~ Chapter 1...
>>> I had this twitchy feeling that my Grandma Marrcine secret room would be unlocked, that fascinating tower room at the apex of our two hundred year old house, which some people jokingly called not a house, but a castle. Don't ask me how I knew that little room was unlocked. Witch blood runs strong in the Cerri family and we all sense things, even the very smallest things, like a door that is carefully sealed each time it's left, but now,---was intriguingly open.
You would think living at Wildcroft Cove, a village only fifteen miles from Salem, that we'd have at least part English heritage, but, oh, no,---we are all Italian, and of the Old Ways. Our family is from Tuscany where the sacred tradition of Aradia started, the mysterious goddess leader, the charismatic fourteenth century woman who left behind ancient, and as most think, scandalously lewd and eccentric lessons...
My very wealthy red haired ancestor Rosemunda was an infamous beauty, an evil faerie-learned woman, a heartless temptress, who fascinated every man who saw her and who also followed those Old Aradia Ways. This was her country estate house, where she took her elite friends to our circle of standing stones in the woods, the circle surrounded by ancient gnarled oaks. There in the night mists, barely clothed in white gauze, waving her flashing silver athame toward the full moon, Rosemunda would lead the rituals, always accompanied by her black cat, Nessa, who was said to be an immortal spirit attached, for a while, to Rosemunda. I've known these family things since my early childhood.
One of the first family things that was my responsibility as the youngest girl child in our matriarchal family was to care for our household guardian, our Befana, to dust and clean the extremely old doll in her niche in the parlor, to give Befana fresh flowers in her dry reddish hair in the Spring and Summer and sharp-scented maple leaves in the Fall and even dried red rose hips from our faerie roses in the Winter, the small white faerie roses that encircled and also grew sixty feet up into our huge Russian mulberry tree.
But, now, I continued to climb the spiral staircase to my grandma's tower room, looking up, up, up. Sparkling clear diamond-paned windows cross-hatched with lead were set in the horsehair-plastered walls to let in light. The old stairs creaked every few steps. The railing was beautifully made as was every piece of woodwork in this grand old house. You'd never know unless you looked very closely that it wasn't carved out of one long sinuous length, like a twisted white serpent. I gazed upward, upward, upward...
I had wanted for years and years to see the little sequestered tower room where I knew my Grandma Marrcine kept her potions, her exquisite handmade oils, ointments, washes and dusts, those very magical things that she'd created all her adult life for practically every human condition or problem. Grandma Marrcine was in her late sixties, but she still had her hourglass figure and was as spry as an Alpine goat. Her wavy black hair was liberally streaked with silvery iron gray and she had piercing dark gray eyes, eyes the color of cascades of heavy rain running down the nine foot tall windows of our living room.
As I climbed and climbed and climbed and climbed, the stairs became not as well-cared for, not even half as meticulously maintained as the rest of the house. Even some of the delicately-formed spindles were missing; the wood was pitted and unpainted. Up and up I went, five stories, until I stood on the landing in front of a narrow pale pink door, a door only a couple of feet wide and about five feet tall. An averaged-sized adult would have to turn sideways and stoop to get through it. I reached out, gently touched the doorknob.
The door slammed open as if it was spring-loaded. My beautiful older sister Vesper sat up with a ringing cry from a little brass bed, quickly clutching a white flannel sheet to her breasts. Her long, curly red-gold hair was wild around her face, her goldish brown eyes were as wide and crystalline as a French boudoir doll's. A dark-haired young man of about twenty leaped up from the bed, charged through the door and clattered down the stairs, bare butt, his denim shirt open, it's tails flapping, his muscular chest heaving. His jeans and boxers were on the floor next to the bed.
"What the flaming hell are you doing here, Aurielle?," my sister screamed at me.
I put my hands on my hips, and leaned forward from my waist, like an angry goose. "And, WHAT were you doing here..., " I shot at her, pointing my arm back toward the open door and the stairs, "...with, ~ WITH HIM?" Bastion, our fluffy, almost black tabby cat, gazed at me from the top of a dresser, his big orange eyes curious, alert and amused. --- Copyright by Antoinette Beard/Sorelle Sucere 2021.
Saturday, June 22, 2024
"La Vie En Rose," ~ Edith Piaf's Life...
A Paris street child, daughter of an acrobat, her voice was like no other. Her youth as a blind girl, who was healed religiously. She was only 4 feet, nine inches tall... >>>
Tuesday Weld...
She played Bad Girl roles, and was considered to be a Lolita type. I thought she was very good... >>>
Tuesday Weld (born Susan Ker Weld; August 27, 1943) is a former American actress. She began acting as a child and progressed to mature roles in the late 1950s. She won a Golden Globe Award for Most Promising Female Newcomer in 1960. Over the following decade, she established a career playing dramatic roles in films.
Weld often portrayed impulsive and reckless women and was nominated for a Golden Globe for Play It as It Lays (1972), an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress for Looking for Mr. Goodbar (1977), an Emmy Award for The Winter of Our Discontent (1983), and a BAFTA for Once Upon a Time in America (1984). Since the late 1980s her acting appearances have been infrequent.
She is now 80 years old.
Friday, June 21, 2024
Rhett Carries Scarlet up those long elegant stairs...
...And, we can just imagine WHAT he's going to do to her!!!!!!!!!!!!!...
...Supposedly, Clark had to do that MANY times, ~ and he was GETTING tired!!!.. Lol!!!... ;)
"Bad boys, come with me, come with me!!!..."
Yeah, ah-ha, yeah, ah-ha, ah-ha, yeah, ah-ha, yeah, ah-ha, ah-ha... Bad, bad boys, come with me, come with me... Bad, bad boys, come with me... I feel positive. I want to go away." --- Midi, Maxi & Efi.
--- Bad boys are CONFIDENT, at least so it seems... (However, they may be secretly insecure and a mass of screwed up and very dangerous emotions.) BUT... Just look at the way he walks,, --- THAT swagger. He reeks of sass, style, and, --- sure, a woman knows, instinctively, that he could if he WANTED to protect her, under any circumstances. He's got the guts it takes, and he KNOWS how to use them. He probably has plenty of muscle for too. 💪💞😈
--- Women think they can CHANGE the bad boy... Nope, the chances of that are very slim. And, --- whoa, --- why change what you like best about him???... Does that make sense???... Well, it might. The bad boy may have "a heart of gold," which is very touching, if he does. (This has tremendous appeal!!!)
--- UH, there no denying this: his bad boy attitude and taut, fit body shouts MALE-MALE-MALE!!!... It's for sure he has a LOT of swimmers, --- and that's incredibly sexy. It's raging testosterone that partly makes him the way he is, --- RIGHT???
--- He's young, strong and so damned handsome, besides being a natural rebel. THAT'S very sexy too, --- the passion, the playfulness,--- of course, the danger, always the DANGER... Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!... 👄👄👄💙💚💛💜
---He may be 👄👄👄💗💗💗 hard to get, --- and he's probably going to be even harder to keep, and that's a hell of a challenge. Some women love a big challenge.
--- You don't know where you stand with him. Nobody in his life ever does. So, he's not boring. He'll always keep you on edge. Oh, of course, he's not going to be faithful to you!!! Or, if he says he is, can you BELIEVE him???
--- Sooo... You can have the 'joy" of worrying ENDLESSLY about him. FUN-FUN-FUN... Or,(gasp) is it???
--- Uh, --- consider, --- maybe he's TOO MUCH TROUBLE. Maybe, you'd just rather read about bad boys, or see movies about them... Much safer, emotionally and in many other ways. (You don't have to have extra money to bail him out of jail or deal with his parole officer. Ummm... Then, he might shoot you, or knife you.) Yeah, you COULD just have a fictional BAD BOY... MUCH, MUCH BETTER!!!... 💙👍👸😍 Uh, --- would you rather sleep with him, --- or sleep well at night??? (Your choice.) 😏
The Cheshire Cat...
Cheshire Cat: "we're all mad here... He's mad. She's mad... I"M MAD...
Alice: WHAT?! I don't want to be among mad people! And, I'm NOT mad!
Cheshire Cat: But, ~~~ you're HERE... Aren't YOU??????? ;)
Thursday, June 20, 2024
"So many village idiots and so few dragons..."
10 Famous Budweiser Commercials...
>>> My favorites are "The Lost Puppy"& "The Little Donkey That Could"!!!
Wednesday, June 19, 2024
There Were Plenty Who Wanted To See Marilyn Monroe Cast As Holly Golightly...
MAYBE, ~ the BEST Movie EVER Made...
Vertigo is a 1958 romantic story of obsession, manipulation and fear directed by Alfred Hitchcock. The movie is about a detective, Scotty Ferguson, who is forced to retire after his fear of heights causes the death of a fellow police officer. A friend then hires him to follow his wife, Madeline, who apparently is possessed by the spirit of her great grandmother. Scotty falls in love with Madeline. After Madeline commits suicide, Scotty sees a remarkable double of her, causing him to transform her into into the image of Madeline, leading to a cycle of madness and lies. Some thought the movie was also about how Hitchcock used, feared and tried to control women.
... And, the alternate ending
(Kim Novak is still alive. She's 91.)
Tuesday, June 18, 2024
My Dad & Clark Gable... (A true story!!!)
Yes, my dad met Clark Gable, spent an afternoon with him, and told us Clark was a great guy.
>>> It happened like this... My uncle, my dad's older brother was a designer and maker of specialized RVs. While we were visiting him and my grandma in Los Angeles, my dad went to have a picnic lunch at my uncle's RV lot. Well, Clark came in then, to see how the outfitting of his new RV was coming along. My uncle introduced my dad to Clark and they hit it off right away. My uncle said: "This is Clark Gable". My dad shook hands with Clark, and didn't show any signs that he knew Clark Gable was an ultra-popular movie star. My dad looked puzzled because he truly didn't know who Clark Gable was, ~ yeah, Hollywood's most famous hot male actor. My dad just didn't follow "that movie stuff," and was not in awe of anyone, ever, anyway. My dad was friendly to everybody and well, Clark was surprised and absolutely delighted to find that my dad really didn't know who he was. Clark was an avid outdoorsman and loved to fish, and so did my dad. They got to telling fishing stories, over beer and sandwiches and potato chips. And, Clark liked my dad so much that he invited him to his ranch for a weekend of fishing when his latest picture was finished being filmed. My dad declined Clark's offer though, because he had to return to Ohio. >>>
Uh, ~ I would have made SOME sort of arrangement to go to Clark's ranch REGARDLESS, if it was me!... But, that was my dad, not at all starstruck with the guy who was The King Of Hollywood. To my dad Clark was just another cool fisherman. My mom had my dad return to my uncle's business that afternoon, though, to get her Clark's autograph. She had my dad call my uncle, to ask Clark not to leave the lot till my dad could drive back there. My dad was embarrassed to do this, but Clark was glad to do it.
And, so, my dad got the autograph. My mom was almost swooning at even the thought of my dad spending an afternoon with Clark Gable!!! ;) Lol!
Monday, June 17, 2024
Marilyn & Joe Di Maggio...
Uh... Okay. He was supposed to have loved her deeply, or so sources of the time reported, but, it was a weird kinda love. He was very possessive, and it seemed as if, once he had her, ~ married her... Then, he wanted her to deny all she was and become his version of a little house-frau. Noooooooooo!!!... No wonder they divorced >>>
"Inside Joe Di Maggio & Marilyn Monroe's Rollercoaster Romance" >>>
American greats Marilyn Monroe and Joe DiMaggio’s short-lived union and lengthier relationship captured the hearts and attention of a nation. When they met, Monroe was becoming the siren of Hollywood movies, and “Yankee Clipper” DiMaggio had already been labeled the greatest baseball player of all time. Though the marriage would last only nine months, their brief passionate romance and enduring bond continue to fascinate.
Despite outward differences, Monroe admits that she and DiMaggio were 'very much alike'
The American dream made real, both had risen from humble backgrounds to sit atop the pinnacle of their chosen careers. But in 1952, when DiMaggio asked an acquaintance to set up a date with Monroe, he was a freshly retired sports legend and Monroe was an up-and-coming actress.
Ahead of their first meeting, Monroe was skeptical. “I expected a flashy New York sports type and instead I met this reserved guy who didn’t make a pass at me right away,” she wrote. “He treated me like something special.” The attraction was strong and they began dating, usually cross-country with Monroe on the West Coast and DiMaggio on the East.
Though skeptics highlighted their differences Monroe recalled similarities, including a common desire for a stable home and children. “The truth is that we were very much alike,” Monroe said to author Ben Hecht in her memoir My Story. “My publicity, like Joe’s greatness, is something on the outside. It has nothing to do with what we actually are.”
According to DiMaggio, physical intimacy with Monroe was epic. “When we got together in the bedroom, it was like the gods were fighting; there were thunderclouds and lightning above us,” DiMaggio recalled to author Rock Positano in "Dinner With DiMaggio: Memories of an American Hero". But the strong physical attraction was also balanced by DiMaggio’s respect for her intelligence and vulnerability, according to Positano. A wedding was already being discussed.
“Joe and I had been talking about getting married for some months,” Monroe told Hecht. “We knew it wouldn’t be an easy marriage. On the other hand, we couldn’t keep on going forever as a pair of cross-country lovers. It might begin to hurt both our careers.”
They married quickly and turned a work trip into their honeymoon...
Married in a quiet ceremony at City Hall on January 14, 1954, in DiMaggio’s native San Francisco, the couple posed for photographs on the steps of Saints Peter and Paul Church. A church wedding was not an option at the time due to both celebrants having previously divorced: DiMaggio from his first wife, Dorothy Arnold, in 1944, and Monroe from childhood neighbor James Dougherty in 1946.
According to Monroe, DiMaggio came up with the last-minute marriage scenario that fit both their schedules. “‘You’re having all this trouble with the studio and not working so why don’t we get married now? I’ve got to go to Japan anyway on some baseball business, and we could make a honeymoon out of the trip,’” Monroe recalls DiMaggio saying. “And so we were married and took off for Japan on our honeymoon.”
From the very start, their marriage was challenged. During the honeymoon, Monroe was asked to travel to Korea to perform for the American troops stationed there. DiMaggio was left behind in Japan. Back on home soil the couple sought a normal life, but the volatility of her career and his reported jealousy and involvement in her professional contract negotiations and role choices began to chafe.
Monroe and DiMaggio divorced after nine months of marriage...
DiMaggio reportedly wanted a stay at home wife. Monroe wanted to expand her cultural horizons with a husband who was interested in her work. The new groom also struggled with his wife’s image. While filming The Seven Year Itch in New York, DiMaggio was disgusted with the now-famous subway grate scene. According to Monroe he said, “… exposing my legs and thighs, even my crotch — that was the last straw.”
A visibly tearful and upset Monroe publicly announced their divorce nine months after they wed, citing mental cruelty. In a letter written to his wife at the time of the announcement DiMaggio said, “I love you and want to be with you. … There is nothing I would like better than to restore your confidence in me. … My heart split even wider seeing you cry in front of all those people.”
They eventually reunited and DiMaggio stood by her side until her sudden death...
It would be years before they reconciled and in between Monroe married playwright Arthur Miller in 1956. The union would last five years and at its end, an emotionally fragile Monroe was admitted to a psychiatric clinic in New York. It was DiMaggio who secured his ex-wife’s release, taking her to the Yankee’s Florida training camp where he was a batting coach, to rest.
Though a marital reunion was not on the cards the couple remained good friends, even as Monroe struggled with addiction, depression and anxiety. She died the following year on August 4, 1962, from an overdose of barbiturates at her home in Los Angeles.
A devastated DiMaggio claimed her body and arranged for her funeral, reportedly barring Hollywood’s elite as well as members of the Kennedy family including then-U.S. President John F. Kennedy, with whom Monroe was rumored to have had an affair. DiMaggio never forgave friend Frank Sinatra for introducing her to the Kennedys.
A still devoted DiMaggio never remarried and rarely spoke about Monroe during his life. He organized to have roses delivered three times a week to her crypt for 20 years.
“I’ll go to my grave regretting and blaming myself for what happened to her,” DiMaggio is quoted as saying in "Dinner With DiMaggio," “Sinatra told me later that ‘Marilyn loved me anyway, to the end.’ " ~ From "Biography".
This Is The Purpose Of Charlie Brown...
Schulz saw Charlie Brown as a line of poetry, capturing readers' feelings better than they could themselves.
Charlie Brown's defeats made him incredibly relatable, becoming a symbol for those feeling defeated.
Reflecting on Charlie Brown's evolution, Schulz recognized him as an enduring icon representing perseverance.
Peanuts creator Charles Schulz once identified the "purpose" of his famous character Charlie Brown, perfectly encapsulating why the character has appealed to generations of readers, taking an indelible position in the world's pop culture consciousness in the process. In other words, Schulz explained what made his creation an all-time great character.
In the 1977 the 1977 BBC documentary Everyman: Happiness is a Warm Puppy, Schulz used a personal anecdote to highlight the cultural impact of Charlie Brown, nearly three decades into Peanuts' publication. As he explained, the way his secretary's son related to Charlie Brown struck the character's creator as the essential reason for the character's existence.
Schulz compared Charlie Brown to "a line of poetry," in that he had the ability to capture and express readers' feelings for them. Just like any resonant piece of art, Charlie Brown – and by extension, Peanuts – could often speak for readers better than they could for themselves.
The 1977 BBC interview came at an interesting point in the strip's history; just a few years beyond the mid-way point of what would amount to a fifty-year run in publication, in the late '70s Peanuts had already produced many of its most beloved animated specials, with the adaptations serving to cement its iconic status in popular culture. Nevertheless, there seemed to be no doubt in Charles Schulz mind that he would continue producing the Peanuts comic strip perhaps because of its vital artistic purpose. ~ From "Screenrant".
Sunday, June 16, 2024
DID Marilyn Monroe EVER Have A Little Red Diary???...
...Samir Muqaddin published his memoir in 2012. He, too, asserted that he spent time reading Marilyn’s diary, not as much time as Rothmiller asserts that he spent reading it; but Muqaddin also asserted that he transcribed some of Marilyn’s entries. Shall we engage in a brief comparison of what each man alleged that they read and copied?
According to Michael Rothmiller, Marilyn wrote:
Bobby called. He wants to see me.
I think I made his [JFK’s] back feel better.
I’ll never have to suck another cock again.
He [JFK] always wants me to blow him.1
John and I made love in the pool.
Niketa is a horrible man and must be stopped. I’m scared there will be a war.
John called, he wants to see me again. He’ll have me picked up and taken to the hotel.
John told me about Castro and he must be stopped.
Bobby and I made love at Peter’s. He wants to see me again. This is our secret.
Frank invited me to the lodge [Cal-Neva]. He said it will be fun. He said never to mention Sam [Giancana] at the lodge. He’s mafia.
Bobby is gentle. He listens to me. He’s nicer than John.
Bobby said he loves me and wants to marry me. I love him.
Peter said Robert will come tomorrow. I don’t know if he will.
John is sending more men to Vietnam … The Communists must be stopped. It will be a long war.
Bobby called. He’s coming to California. He wants to see me.
According to Samir Muqaddin, Marilyn wrote:
This is for all the people who ever called me a dumb blond. I may be insecure, but not stupid. I only want to twinkle.
The FBI wanted me to do something for America. They sent Iron Bob to ask me if Arthur was a Communist. When I told him we weren’t that close he laughed and said you could get closer. He told me I should talk to Paula [Strasberg].
Iron Bob wanted the names of people with us during social engagements and information on Arthur’s meetings with the American Labor Party and the ACLU.
Paula and Lee told Arthur to come clean with the Committee but he said he would not sell out his friends. Don’t know why I gave that information. Guess I could be considered a sell out.
The best day of my life. I met Jack at Peter’s house. He was introduced as Senator John Kennedy and the next president of the United States. His confidence, intelligence, and charm struck me. It lit a fire. We started seeing each other.
I was with the next President and we made violent love.
The spy boys were really serious about killing Castro. Big Jim and a guy named Eduardo were actually involved in the Bay of Pigs. Jack never let them forget it.
We [Marilyn and the president] attended a meeting with the spy boys and mafia gangsters. They were discussing how to kill Castro. Johnny Roselli [allegedly also one of Marilyn’s many mobster lovers] boasted about the Mafia’s ability to infiltrate anybody’s security to kill them. They had a pill to cram up Castro’s butt. [Who was gonna do the cramming?]
Peter asked me to sing Happy Birthday during Jack’s party at Madison Square Garden. I finally met his brother Bobby, It was fun but didn’t work out.
I asked Bobby again about us. He told me don’t be ridiculous. Said he was going to become President after Jack and I’m not going to ruin it. Bobby found out about my diary. Can’t believe he raised holy hell for writing about us. Told me to destroy it. Never thought he would react like that.
Couldn’t reach Bobby and he won’t call back.
The dirty bastard changed his number. He thinks he going to do me like his brother did. I’ll fix them all.
I met Jimmy Hoffa at Frank’s party. Made a big fool of myself. Drank too much and smoked too much. Sam [Giancana] and him were asking about Bobby. What did I say?
Peter called. Bobby is coming tomorrow. They want me to call off the press conference. Too late.
Bobby was really mad. Acted crazy and searched all my stuff. Told him it’s mine. I’ll never let him have it.
It is extremely difficult to read the preceding purported quotations from Marilyn’s Little Red Diary and maintain a moderately straight face; and the entries that Robert Slatzer claimed he read in Marilyn’s diary are just as preposterous along with the assertions made by Ted Jordan and Jeanne Carmen regarding Marilyn’s diary entries. Obviously, the quotations proffered by Rothmiller do not read at all like the quotations proffered by Samir Muqaddin; their timber and word structure are completely different; and nothing offered by either quoter reads at all like Marilyn’s actual writings, found in the book Fragments, published in 2010. While Marilyn’s actual writings are mostly stream-of-consciousness and have a poetic coloration reminiscent of the poet e e cummings, Rothmiller turns her into a prepubescent female Earnest Hemingway. Once again, as I have already noted, what Rothmiller asserts came from Marilyn’s diary are so sophomoric they are comic. Besides, based on the book, Fragments, it is clear that Marilyn was a poor speller. Also, she frequently crossed-out words, wrote disjointedly and frequently linked her disjointed thoughts and entries with arrows; and neither Muqaddin nor Rothmiller, not to mention Slatzer, Jordan and Carmen, even denoted those salient facts regarding Marilyn’s actual writings and entries, very evident and on display in the actual journals written by Marilyn and found by Lee Strasberg’s widow, Anna.
In his memoir about his association with Marilyn, Norman Rosten, her poet friend, published the following Marilyn composed poem, entitled “To the Weeping Willow”:
I stood beneath your limbs
And you flowered and finally
clung to me,
and when the wind struck the earth
and the sand—you clung to me.
Thinner than a cobweb I,
sheerer than any—
but it did attach itself
and held fast in strong winds
life—of which at singular times
I am both of your directions—
somehow I remain hanging downward the most,
as both of your directions pull me.
In one of the many notebooks discovered by Anna Strasberg, Marilyn wrote a similar poem. Evidently, being pulled by life’s both directions, toward living and toward dying we can only conclude, was a significant theme and a difficult struggle for Marilyn.
I am both of your directions
Somehow remaining hanging downward
the most
but strong as a cobweb in the
wind—I exist more with the cold glistening frost.
But my beaded rays have the colors I’ve
seen in a paintings—ah life they
have cheated you
In another notebook, Marilyn wrote:
Oh damn I wish that I were
dead—absolutely nonexistent—
gone away from here—from
everywhere but how would I do it
There is always bridges—the Brooklyn
bridge—no not the Brooklyn Bridge
because But I love that bridge (everything is beautiful from there
and the air is so clean) walking it seems
peaceful there even with all those
cars going crazy underneath. So
it would have to be some other bridge
an ugly one and with no view—except
I particularly like in particular all bridges—there’s some
thing about them and besides these I’ve
never seen an ugly bridge
Not one piece of credible or verifiable evidence has been presented during the past forty-five plus years which proves that Marilyn’s Red Book of Secrets ever existed; and there is absolutely no credible or verifiable evidence presented in Bombshell which proves that Michael Rothmiller actually saw and even read a diary, much less the diary which the movie star herself disavowed. She acknowledged that she occasionally wrote about the events of her life. Thus, Marilyn’s journals, the ones accidentally discovered by Lee Strasberg’s widow prove conclusively what Marilyn wrote about and how she actually wrote. The red diary as inconsistently and absurdly described by Robert Slatzer, Jeanne Carmen, Samir Muqaddin, Ted Jordan, and now Michael Rothmiller, never existed. Ted Jordan, who wrote his own fairy tale about a relationship with Marilyn which also included her delphic diary, finally admitted, after he told several contradictory stories about the red book, that it never existed. Marilyn’s Little Red Diary never existed. ~ From marilynfromthe22ndrow.com
Saturday, June 15, 2024
WAS Marilyn Murdered???...
I think she simply knew too much, ~ and SO... (Frank was part of the infamous "Rat Pack," which also had as members Dean Martin, Sammy Davis Jr., Joey Bishop, Peter Lawford, and, sometimes, Shirley Mac Laine, and also, sometimes, JFK, who was dubbed Chicky Baby. The "Rat Pack," was rumored to have Mob connections too....
QUIRKY: Everything Marilyn Monroe Really Like To Eat...
Story By Chloe James...
Both before and after Monroe's life was cut tragically short in 1962, fans have taken a deep interest in what she ate on a daily basis. Monroe wasn't exactly secretive about her diverse eating habits, loudly and proudly proclaiming her love for everything from DIY protein drinks to fine French cuisine. "I've been told that my eating habits are absolutely bizarre, but I don't think so," she mused to the now-defunct Pageant magazine in 1952 (via Vogue). Read on to discover her go-to dishes -- and decide for yourself just how "bizarre" Marilyn Monroe's appetite really was.
Raw Eggs And Warm Milk >>>
Marilyn Monroe was already loading up on protein long before it became the food trend du jour. Speaking to Pageant magazine in 1952, the starlet revealed that she liked to start her day with a unique concoction of raw eggs and milk. "Before I take my morning shower, I start warming a cup of milk on the hot plate I keep in my hotel room," she explained. "When it's hot, I break two raw eggs into the milk, whip them up with a fork, and drink them while I'm dressing.
Not content with a hefty dose of protein, she combined this DIY cocktail with a multivitamin. "I doubt if any doctor could recommend a more nourishing breakfast for a working girl in a hurry," she said. While we have our reservations about that last detail, this recipe isn't far off from the concoctions consumed by bodybuilders looking to grow muscle. Still, there are definitely much safer ways to get your protein, such as the hard-boiled eggs Monroe reportedly also enjoyed as a light lunch.
Stuffing >>>
If we could invite a historical figure over for Thanksgiving, Marilyn Monroe would definitely make the shortlist thanks to her complicated (but delicious) stuffing recipe. Found scribbled in her old notes (on the letterhead of an insurance company), it calls for a whopping 18 different ingredients and two hours of preparation.
During that time, Monroe would soak sourdough bread in water for 15 minutes before shredding and combining it with the likes of ground beef, celery, three types of nuts, raisins, eggs, and your choice of boiled chicken or turkey liver or hearts. Don't let the complexity put you off; The New York Times deemed the results "handsome, balanced and delicious."
For her super fans, it's also worth giving it a whirl just to see how Monroe's personal life seeped into her recipes through the use of certain ingredients. Back in the 1950s, Monroe briefly lived in the sourdough capital that is San Francisco after marrying baseball player Joe DiMaggio. As The New York Times points out, there are also some pretty clear Italian influences on the dish, such as the blend of rosemary, oregano, and thyme, which may be a result of DiMaggio's own heritage.
Warm Cereal >>>
If you frequented the cereal aisle of your local grocery store in the 1950s, there's a chance you could have reached for the last box of cornflakes at the same time as The Blonde Bombshell herself. Okay, probably not, but our point is that even an actress as glamorous as Marilyn Monroe would turn to cereal as an easy breakfast.
When two of her old cookbooks went up for auction in 2021, a typewritten meal schedule revealed that she would sometimes eat well-cooked cereal in the mornings. Sadly, there's no mention of Monroe's cereal of choice (personally, we like to think that she was a Frosted Flakes kind of girl), but we know that she typically paired her breakfast with the likes of orange juice, stewed prunes, or a glass of either milk or weak cocoa. Monroe was clearly a big fan of dairy, with yet another serving of milk popping up in her daily schedule as a mid-morning and a mid-afternoon snack, both times accompanied by a single cracker.
Hot Fudge Sundaes >>>
Ice cream wasn't just an occasional indulgence for Monroe. As her star grew brighter in the early 1950s, she opened up to Pageant magazine in a full spread titled "How I Stay in Shape," revealing that while she ate simply during the day, she liked to spend her evenings tucking into a hot fudge sundae. "In recent months I have developed the habit of stopping off at Wil Wright's ice cream parlor for a hot fudge sundae on my way home from my evening drama classes," she explained (via Into the Gloss). "I'm sure that I couldn't allow myself this indulgence were it not that my normal diet is composed almost totally of protein foods."
There were multiple Wil Wright's ice cream parlors dotted around Southern California at one point, selling rich desserts notorious for their high sugar, butter fat, and calorie content. Sadly, these locations have since closed, so a pilgrimage to sample the ice cream that won over Monroe's heart (and stomach) isn't possible today. We'll have to make do with a non-bombshell-endorsed sundae instead.
Raw Carrots >>>
Was Marilyn Monroe part-rabbit? The actress herself seemed to think so, joking to Pageant magazine that it was the only explanation for her insatiable hunger for raw carrots. "I usually eat four or five raw carrots with my meat, and that is all," she said when breaking down what she typically ate for dinner (via Vogue). "I must be part rabbit; I never get bored with raw carrots."
They may not be quite as indulgent as hot fudge sundaes, but you'd be pressed to find a better vice than carrots. Monroe's snack of choice is rich in antioxidants and has a long list of proven health benefits, including regulating blood sugar and reducing the risk of heart disease. Unlike a lot of vegetables, though, carrots are actually healthier once they're cooked, meaning Monroe was missing out on their full nutritional impact by choosing to only nibble on them raw.
Steak, Lamb Chops, Or Liver >>>
By all accounts, Marilyn Monroe was a big meat-eater. While she may have had a mild obsession with carrots, she had a serving of meat at dinner and counted steak, lamb chops, or liver among her go-to protein sources that she would pick up from the local market and broil in an electric oven. Monroe's diet was almost paleo in nature, with no carbohydrates to accompany her standard evening meal.
Even when she wasn't following a structured routine, meat was often her default choice. A famous photograph with Arthur Miller shows Monroe sampling hot dogs from a food cart in New York, while the widow of fellow Hollywood legend Gene Kelly previously detailed an instance in which Monroe rustled up wieners for a drunken friend in her husband's kitchen. "He went into the kitchen with this young woman to see what was in the fridge and found some hot dogs," Patricia Kelly told Metro. "He had her boiling hot dogs ... He turned to this young woman and said, 'What's your name?' She said, 'Marilyn.' And it was Marilyn Monroe."
Rice Pudding>>>
Marilyn Monroe had quite the sweet tooth. According to the typed meal schedule found in a copy of her auctioned cookbook in 2021, she had dessert on a daily basis and listed rice pudding as one of her favorite sweet treats. This is one of the easier dishes to recreate if you want a taste of how Marilyn lived, with the most basic rice pudding recipes requiring just rice, milk, and sugar (and if you're feeling extra fancy, a dash of spices or a cinnamon stick).
If rice pudding isn't your thing, Monroe had other dessert options listed in her daily routine, most of which are dairy-based. Junket, a creamy pudding that uses sweetened milk, sugar, vanilla, and rennet, was another of her go-to dishes, as was custard, tapioca pudding, and baked apple. Considering how easy it is to whip up a baked apple in the slow cooker, we're not surprised that this was a dietary staple for a starlet constantly on the go.
Onion And Gratin Soup >>>
When Marilyn Monroe and Joe DiMaggio married in 1954, they swiftly jetted off to Japan for a baseball junket turned honeymoon. By all accounts, this wasn't the happiest trip of her life. The crowds were relentless, Monroe and DiMaggio clashed over her decision to take a detour to perform for troops stationed in Korea, and she later lamented in her memoir that she wasn't able to see much of the country. Amidst all the chaos, however, she did manage to make time to find a new favorite restaurant.
While in Fukuoka, Monroe reportedly dined at the then-new French restaurant Royal Nakasu Honten for three days in a row. She was a particularly big fan of the onion gratin soup, which she ordered for dinner on every visit. Royal Nakasu Honten has since moved to Ohori Park and changed its name to Hananoki, but is still extremely proud of its ties to Marilyn Monroe. To this day, the restaurant displays a picture of her and DiMaggio and still offers that same onion gratin soup.
Champagne >>>
In 1962, just months before Marilyn Monroe passed, photographer Bert Stern was tasked with photographing the starlet for Vogue. He came up with a simple plan to win her over: ply her with Champagne. To be precise, it was a bottle of 1953 Dom Pérignon. His plan worked, and Monroe's final photoshoot (which was published under the name "The Last Sitting") included shots of the actress sipping on a coupe of bubbly.
Stern had done his homework -- although it wouldn't have been tough to figure out Monroe had a taste for fine fizz. Receipts showed that she ordered an entire case of Dom Pérignon Prestige Cuvée just two months before her death. Multiple outlets also quote Monroe as saying that she liked to go to bed wearing Chanel No. 5 and wake up with a glass of Piper-Heidsieck -- although where this claim actually comes from (and if she ever really said it), nobody seems to know. There's even an urban legend that Monroe once took a Champagne bath that required 350 bottles to fill.
Some of these claims are surely exaggerated -- just how long would Monroe have had to spend in the bath to make that expense worth it? However, there's no denying that Monroe had a legendary love for bubbly -- one so renowned that New York's Waldorf Astoria hotel even named a Champagne-based cocktail in her honor. Truly iconic.
Chili >>>
Marilyn Monroe made her mark on Hollywood in more ways than one. Several restaurants, bars, and hotels dotted across Tinseltown like to brag about their links to the actress, but one West Hollywood eatery has more claim to bragging rights than others. Barney's Beanery, a greasy spoon on Santa Monica Blvd, was one of her favorite spots while filming "Some Like It Hot" at the nearby Samuel Goldwyn Studios. Monroe loved the chili, often opting for a hearty bowl during breaks between scenes.
Today, you can find that same classic chili plated with mixed cheese, sour cream, and onions in five different Barney's Beanery restaurants around Los Angeles, including the original WeHo location. The recipe remains identical -- in fact, it hasn't been touched since 1920. With Clark Gable, Jim Morrison, and Janis Joplin (who actually ate her final meal at Barney's in 1970) all considered regulars at some point, it should come as no surprise that the kitchen is reluctant to switch things up. If it ain't broke, right?
Spaghetti >>>
Even Marilyn Monroe wasn't immune to the allure of pasta. According to the typed out meal schedule found in her old cookbooks, spaghetti was one of the three choices she had for her daily lunch or supper (not to mention the most exciting, considering the other two were a plain baked or mashed potato, or noodles with milk).
In terms of toppings, Monroe's pasta wasn't particularly fancy. Her options were tomato sauce or butter. No matter which one she chose, she was explicitly not allowed cheese on either pasta serving. But don't mistake that for a cheese-less life. That same meal schedule mentioned a choice between an egg or 2 tablespoons of cottage cheese with her lunch. A clipped newspaper recipe for cheese lasagna (complete with Monroe's own doodles) was found tucked into the same cookbooks, containing a dairy-packed mix of cottage cheese, cheddar, and a choice of Parmesan and Romano.
Marrowbone Soup >>>
The treasure trove that is Marilyn Monroe's old cookbooks has taught us a lot about her wild and varied appetite. While one sheaf of paper tells us that she ate fairly plain pasta, another found slipped between the pages of "The New Fannie Famer Boston Cooking-School Cook Book" suggests that she also loved a marrowbone soup -- a collagen-rich dish that's long been touted as beneficial for skin health.
According to the auction listing provided by Siegel Auction Galleries (via Daily Mail), Monroe's handwritten list of ingredients for marrowbone soup required up to eight marrowbones and a few bouillon cubes. While we don't know exactly how she prepared it, we presume Monroe's foodie knowledge extended far enough to avoid some of the most common bone broth mistakes, such as not letting the broth simmer for long enough (sometimes it needs as much as 24 hours) and forgetting to blanch the bones.
Beef Bourguignon >>>
Another tasty highlight found among Marilyn Monroe's many notes was a recipe for beef bourguignon. That's proof in itself that Monroe was a wiz in the kitchen. This traditional French stew -- which is sometimes also known as beef Burgundy after the regional red wine used during the braising process -- is notoriously laborious to cook, with even the most straightforward recipes taking several hours to prepare.
Unfortunately, Siegel Auction Galleries (which auctioned Monroe's cookbooks) never shared the exact details of her beef bourguignon recipe. Although we don't know the specifics or how often she fixed a stew for dinner, it does seem extremely aligned with the rest of her meat-heavy diet. If you want to try cooking something similar but are overwhelmed by the complexities of French cuisine, check out our simple beef bourguignon recipe which will guide you through the meticulous process of browning bacon and braising beef à la Marilyn Monroe.
Eggnog >>>
As per her typed out meal schedule, Marilyn Monroe liked to end her day the same way it started: with a mixture of eggs and milk. Come evening, this combination was much more appealing than the raw egg concoction she liked to whip up in the morning, with her 11 p.m. nightcap of choice listed as a good ol' eggnog.
Again, we don't know Monroe's precise eggnog preferences -- namely, whether she liked it with or without the traditional dash of brandy, or if she whipped up her own drink from scratch. As a woman of both fine taste and culinary prowess, we would guess that Monroe was a "DIY eggnog" kind of person, perhaps following a recipe similar to this straightforward mix of egg yolks, sugar, whipping cream, nutmeg, and vanilla extract. However Monroe took her eggnog, we have to applaud her for breaking this decadent beverage out of its holiday season box. We'll count her as one signature on our "make eggnog a year-round treat" petition. ~ From "Mashed".
Friday, June 14, 2024
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