Very few humans do... The Unseelie Court is, quite frankly, the Bad Faeries. [The word "Unseelie" is Scottish. We are also called "the Slaugh", - or "the Host".] We are many, many, many, many in number, - multitudes and multitudes, actually. Naturally, we have been around for eons & eons & eons, - far, far, far longer than the crass and infantile human race.
Some say we are pagan gods; some say we are evil restless spirits that are manifestations of the 4 elements: air, water, fire and earth; some believe we are fallen angels; some believe we are even extra terrestrials; some say we are the kingdom of the dead!... [Fancy that!] No matter, what people think: We aren't ever, ever telling what we REALLY are!
Humans say that we fly, mostly at night, some say as the dreaded "Wild Hunt", skimming the surface of their earth, hoping to snatch up unsuspecting mortal creatures, - mankind and animal, - both! [Ugh, do they really think we'd like to steal a dog, or a cow, - how coarse and unsophisticated!... Whatever would we want with a cow or a dog???... Now, - perhaps, we'd take an emerald, - ha!, - if it's big and brilliant enough...]
Let me name a few of my subjects, for I know them all, being their Queen: boggles, scags, breaknecks, kelpies, redcaps, druggars, goblins, hags, fetches, fire-drakes, knockers, burnt-tails, raw-head-and-bloody-bones, spunks, boggarts, imps, men-in-the-oaks, bonelesses, incubusses, buttery spirits, sucubusses, hob-headlesses, buggaboos, spectres, wraithes, gringes, dopple-gangers, yeth-hounds, water leapers, vila, tritons, vodyanoi, gargoyles, fox spirits, pixies, salmanders, winged panthers, changelings, bull-beggars, spriggans, death-hearses, bolls, sirens, black dogs, giants, satyrs, leshys, pookas, noggles, krakens, manticores, madcaps, fiends, fates, swarths, bygorns, gringylows, bunyips, lamia, tengu, harpies, nixies, trolls, hobthrusts, shocks, salamanders, dragons [These are my special favorites, - dragons of all the four elements - air, fire, water and earth], and, so forth, and so on, - etc., etc., etc. ... Of course, - I can hardly forget adding the Will-o-the-wisp or the Ignis Fatuus, which is a flickering light moving slowly over the moors and other lonely places, or the Ganconer, the Faerie Love-talker, an extremely charismatic male fey who charms human women so that once they have been with him they will accept no other male. When he leaves them they pine away, into their graves. I also add the Chimera who has the has heads of a goat, a lion and a dragon, and the Irish Phouka who can be half human-half horse and who is tricky to the point of genius, and I must also add Jenny Greenteeth to this list, she who waits at the edge of slimy ponds to drag unsuspecting people into the water and down to the depths and her friend Peg Powler, - both of them river hags, and the Nucklelavee, a immense black and tar-like, skinless, muscular Scottish horror, half deformed man and half monstrous horse who lurks in salty waters.
Yes, yes, - my subjects are varied and unusual. Some of them are, indeed, quite hideous. [I've become used to the sight of them; they are faithful!] Some are deceptively very lovely, so lovely. But, - HAAAAAAAAAA, - they are all, ALL OF THEM, mine, - THE GROSS DARLINGS!!!
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