Hello. I'm writer Antoinette Beard/Sorelle Sucere. Welcome to my blog, which is dedicated to all the loving, intelligent, brave, wise, strong, gentle, kind, sweet-and-geeky, humble-and-patient, --- whether they have hands, paws, hooves, wings, fins, or even, --- yes, flippers, --- and to all eager readers and hard-working authors, everywhere. ;)
I love all creatures. I consider them, all of them, to be sentient beings... I write thrillers, fantasy, mysteries, gothic horror, romantic adventure, occult, Noir, westerns and various types of short stories. I also re-tell traditional folk tales and make old fairy tales carefully cracked. I'm often awake very early in the morning. A cuppa, and fifteen minutes later I'm usually writing something. ;)
Tuesday, April 30, 2024
Saturday, April 27, 2024
Friday, April 26, 2024
Thursday, April 25, 2024
Wednesday, April 24, 2024
The Dande-LIONS!!!... ;)
Although dandelions are vilified by the "lawn care" industry as weeds, they are the first food in the Spring of our disappearing bees and a mainstay of bouquets picked by children for their Moms. Dandelions also are an important source of food for some birds...finches, for example, disappear from feeders when dandelions go to seed. Dandelions are a sign of a safe, nontoxic lawn for your family, wildlife and pets. Long live Dandelions.
Tuesday, April 23, 2024
And, the upstairs even has an air conditioner!!!...
Monday, April 22, 2024
Saturday, April 20, 2024
Friday, April 19, 2024
We Need To Teach Children The Old Words...
"We need to teach the children the old words,
words like brabble and grubble,
twitter-light and clinkerbell;
words which dance and trip and slip
and drip like honey off the tongue
Teach them that a hazy halo of cloud
around the moon is called a moonbroch
and that swiftly moving clouds are named
how a vixen’s wedding is a sunny shower of
rain, and that a single sunbeam breaking through thick cloud is known as a messenger
Teach them to know the seasons and scents
of queen of the meadow and bride of the sun,
how to tell Jupiter’s staff from fairy fingers
and which roses bloom with the strawberry moon
Teach them to spot pricklebacks in the tottlegrass,
how to recognise a smeuse or a bishop-barnaby,
when to watch the sky for flittermice and yaffles,
and to pay attention to the dumbeldore and mousearnickle
as she graces the lazy leahs of summer
Teach them a few of the old Sussex words for mud,
like gubber and slub and stodge and pug,
so they know that the precious soil beneath their toes
is anything but worthless dirt
Teach them to be users and keepers and makers
of the words which bring the land alive:
a storybook, where everything has its rightful place, including us;
where the wilds are fearful and filled with magic
and people do noble things, and nothing is impossible
In this world of harsh new words —
words like planetary dysmorphia and solastalgia,
extinction debt and grief mitigation,
megadrought and megafire,
anthropogenic, pyrocene,
words which alarm and get stuck in our throats
describing a world which our hearts cannot grasp —
we need to teach the children the old words,
so that if they should feel lost,
the old words might colour for them
a warm and breathing, living map,
a light to guide them safely home."
- Caroline Mellor
[Image: A Light to Guide Them Safely Home (2016) fairy illustration for Forestys by Jim Colorex (aka Emmanuel Fallet).]
~"Poetry, Tea and Me"
Wednesday, April 17, 2024
Tuesday, April 16, 2024
Fire Juggling In Paris..
***If you want to see the BEST fire juggling act in front of Notre Dame, including a SPECTACULAR finale with sparks flying everywhere, type in fire juggling in the Search Box!... :O
Monday, April 15, 2024
Saturday, April 13, 2024
PLEASE Don't Kill Poor Little Potato Bugs...
Have mercy... :(
Have you seen me in your yard? I’m a Stenopelmatus. Please… DON’T kill me!
Let me tell you a little about myself. Many people also know me as a potato bug, Jerusalem cricket, Skull Insect, Childface, or Mother of Scorpion.
People get scared when they see me and want to kill me. The reality is that I’m running from you. I’m not a spider, scorpion, or cricket, and I HAVE NO POISON.
My only weapon is my mandibles. With them, I feed off the organic waste found next to garden plants.
We play a very important role in the environment because we contribute to plant growth by aerating the soil and allowing for better oxygenation.
My lifespan is just one year. If you find me at night, please don’t kill me. I’m simply looking for food and a safe place to hide. 🦗
Friday, April 12, 2024
Thursday, April 11, 2024
Wednesday, April 10, 2024
Tuesday, April 9, 2024
Monday, April 8, 2024
Saturday, April 6, 2024
NOISY Siamese Cats At Shower Time... Lol. ;)
AND, ~ have you EVER heard a Siamese cat in Heat?... Like the cat got her tail caught in an old fashioned pencil sharpener!!!... Yikes. =^-^=
"Hope is a thing with feathers"...
Hope is that thing with feathers
that gets in the soul
and sing a song without lyrics
and never, ever shut up.
And sweeter it sounds in the thunderstorm,
and strong must be the storm
who can silence the bird
which comforts so many.
Heard it in the colder lands
and in the most exotic seas,
although he never asked for a crumb,
not even in the greatest of adversity.
~ Emily Dickinson
~ Illustration by Mounir ElNaggar
Poetic Memory...
"Parece como si existiera en el cerebro una región totalmente específica, que podría denominarse memoria poética y que registrara aquello que nos ha conmovido, encantado, que ha hecho hermosa nuestra vida".
Milan Kundera
"It seems as if there was a completely specific region in the brain, which could be called poetic memory and which records what has moved us, enchanted us, which has made our life beautiful."
Milan Kundera
Friday, April 5, 2024
From "The Street Of Love"...
"Donne-moi ta jolie main, que je la pose sur mon coeur,
Sens comme il va et vient, qui près de toi bat de bonheur." TRANSLATION:
"Give me your pretty hand, so I can place it on my heart,
Feel how it comes and goes, who is close to you beats happiness. " ~ Rue de L'amour.
From "The Street Of Love"...
" je n'appartiens pas à un système, j'ai toujours lutté contre ça. Je vois les gens que j'aime, je vais là où je veux, je lis un livre parce qu'il m'attire et non parce qu'il faut « absolument l'avoir lu » et toute ma vie est comme cela. Et je ne m’embarrasse pas du reste. " TRANSLATION:
"I don't belong to a system, I've always fought against this." I see the people I love, I go where I want, I read a book because it attracts me and not because it's a "absolutely read" and my whole life is like that. And I'm not embarrassed about the rest. " ~ Rue de L-amour.
Thursday, April 4, 2024
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