
I love all creatures. I consider them, all of them, to be sentient beings... I write thrillers, fantasy, mysteries, gothic horror, romantic adventure, occult, Noir, westerns and various types of short stories. I also re-tell traditional folk tales and make old fairy tales carefully cracked. I'm often awake very early in the morning. A cuppa, and fifteen minutes later I'm usually writing something. ;)

Friday, April 5, 2024

From "The Street Of Love"...

" je n'appartiens pas à un système, j'ai toujours lutté contre ça. Je vois les gens que j'aime, je vais là où je veux, je lis un livre parce qu'il m'attire et non parce qu'il faut « absolument l'avoir lu » et toute ma vie est comme cela. Et je ne m’embarrasse pas du reste. " TRANSLATION: "I don't belong to a system, I've always fought against this." I see the people I love, I go where I want, I read a book because it attracts me and not because it's a "absolutely read" and my whole life is like that. And I'm not embarrassed about the rest. " ~ Rue de L-amour.

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