Hello. I'm writer Antoinette Beard/Sorelle Sucere. Welcome to my blog, which is dedicated to all the loving, intelligent, brave, wise, strong, gentle, kind, sweet-and-geeky, humble-and-patient, --- whether they have hands, paws, hooves, wings, fins, or even, --- yes, flippers, --- and to all eager readers and hard-working authors, everywhere. ;)
I love all creatures. I consider them, all of them, to be sentient beings... I write thrillers, fantasy, mysteries, gothic horror, romantic adventure, occult, Noir, westerns and various types of short stories. I also re-tell traditional folk tales and make old fairy tales carefully cracked. I'm often awake very early in the morning. A cuppa, and fifteen minutes later I'm usually writing something. ;)
Monday, January 31, 2022
Simplify, slow down, be kind...
Be true to yourself...
Everybody is not your friend...
I'm with you, Stephen King!!!...
Sunday, January 30, 2022
The Mummy Is Scared Of Cats...
Don't break a bird's wings then tell it to fly...
Ancient Egyptians shaved their eyebrows off at the deaths of their cats...
Friday, January 28, 2022
A Wonderful Lesson In Love & Caring From The Bees... (I love bees.)
Thursday, January 27, 2022
We are not alone...
Wednesday, January 26, 2022
The Best Pesto Ever...
Best pesto ever!!!... So easy to make, you'll need fresh basil. In your blender, puree the basil, add pureed hulled sunflower seeds or pine nuts, some butter, olive oil and a few pureed anchovies. Whip all of it together till it's spreadable. This is great on crackers, bread or pasta. It freezes well too.
Tuesday, January 25, 2022
Monday, January 24, 2022
My Past Self...
There is so much of my past self that I don't resonate with at all anymore, but I love her just the same. She was growing. She was doing her best. She fought hard to get me here.
Sunday, January 23, 2022
Saturday, January 22, 2022
Respect Yourself...
Thursday, January 20, 2022
Monday, January 17, 2022
The Rule Is...
Saturday, January 15, 2022
"There is nothing wrong with a man being a feminist...
Friday, January 14, 2022
Wednesday, January 12, 2022
When I get old...
When I get old they're never going to say, "What a sweet old lady!". They're gonna say ,"What on EARTH is she up to now?".
Mermaids Don't Have Souls...
Mermaids Don't Have Souls & Pirate Captain Will Burton's Meeting With Kerillia, The Treacherous, Seductive Mermaid Queen...
Merpeople live under the sea in magnificent palaces that are studded with jewels and pearly shells. On sunny days mermaids like to sit on rocks near the shore and comb their long and lovey hair which is usually wavy and either red or pale blond. They are much more beautiful than any human woman, but it is a cold beauty.
The merpeople age very slowly until they are mature; then they are immortal. They are said to be the children of the great Irish sea god, Manannan Mac Lir, who, some think, is the same deity as Neptune. Manannan is an enormous and fearsome god who brings storms at sea. His beard and hair are pale silvery green and his eyes are completely white, like big gleaming pearls. The merpeople have the ability to control weather at sea, which might be one reasons why there were so many mermaid figureheads on old ships; sailors are a superstitious lot.
The merpeople don't have souls...
And, of course, mermaids have the total unpredictability of faeries, really, being of the water fey. Mermaids can be very vain, jealous and very spiteful. But, they can see into the future and grant wishes that will always, always come true. Sometimes, a mermaid will form a bond with a young girl child; the mermaid will be the child's guardian until she grows up.
Merpeople are known in folklore all over the world. To the Germans they are Lorelei; to the French - Morgens, to the Danes - Maremind, to Icelanders - Marmenill, to the Irish - Merrow. In Polynesian folklore Vatea, a half porpoise, half human god, was the father of humans and the gods. In Africa there are legends of a mermaid named Yemaya who has lovely, flowing green hair and shimmering shell jewelry. Perhaps, she is related to the Hispanic goddess of the sea, Yemanja, or is the same.
Below is an excerpt from "THE BLEEDING RUBY", the first sequel to "PIRATE HEART". Pirate captain Will Burton meets secretly with the queen of all the merfolk, Kerillia, The Splendor...
Monday, January 10, 2022
Sunday, January 9, 2022
Saturday, January 8, 2022
Friday, January 7, 2022
A Dragonfly In The Moonlight...
Wednesday, January 5, 2022
Monday, January 3, 2022
When you see something beautiful in them tell them...
Sunday, January 2, 2022
Animism is the spiritual belief that all living beings have a soul. Everything around us, --- the birds, the trees, the rivers are all animated with sentient energy, and thus need to be honored as conscious entities.
Saturday, January 1, 2022
The world would be a terrible place...