...Who seem to want to suck the joy and spontaneity out of everything and everyone, leaving it all as miserable as they are...
Should you reach out to them in this season of hope, renewal and brotherly love???... DON'T.
Toxic people don't realize how awful and poisonous they are. They see themselves as heroes who are valiantly trying to set the multitudes of "fools" around them straight, not knowing that the "fools" (normal folks) look at them with horror and revulsion.
How do I know this???... I know it especially because it was explained to me in some detail by a narcissist who thought he was doing me a favor. 😣😬😐
Now, not all toxic people are narcissists...
But, trying to get a narcissist to see how mentally ill they are is like trying to explain to someone born without a sense of smell, who has never smelled anything in their whole life, how beautiful the scent of a rose is. (Then, they laugh cruelly at you and say that nothing is fragrant, or ever will be.)
(Sigh.) Best to leave all toxic people be, get away from them, if you can. (Sometimes, you work with a toxic person, or there is one who is a member of your family.)
Sadly, I guess, it's hard to care; --- narcissism is incurable. Yet... Don't let toxic people, of any type, drag you down. (They like to drag you down because they believe the worse they make you look the better they will seem to be, in comparison. Yeah, I know... Sick.)
Be brave. Look up, laugh, love, lift. 💕💕💕 (As corny as that sounds) 😁 You will have friends. People will love you, if you love and ask nothing in return.
And, the toxic people, unless a major change happens to them, will eventually be alone, getting back exactly how much love they gave, which, of course, is none. You remember the case of Ebenezer Scrooge???... Karma, the unrelenting, or rather the "ghosts," sure showed him. 💀💀💀..
You just can't treat people like crap 💩 and have a happy life.
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