„Babe, you've destroyed a car, burned down two buildings, stapled a guy's nuts, and you have sixteen stitches in your leg. Take a night off. Have a glass of wine, watch some television, and go to bed early." -Ranger“.
Stephanie says, --- Ranger is "perfect;" --- his skin is mocha, that he's like Michelangelos's "David" dipped in caramel. (He's Cuban-American.)
Ranger always dresses in basic black, --- usually black cargo pants, a black t shirt that looks like it's sprayed on his biceps, a black cap, or jacket, and black running shoes. When he's dressed up it's a black suit, black shirt and black-on-black tie. Ranger blends into the night and the shadows. He moves stealthily, without making a sound, even in bush, and sees very well in the dark, like a cat. He has his own special code of conduct, but has been very kind to Stephanie, has rescued her numerous times, says he loves her; he says, --- 'There's all kinds of love, Babe..."
Ranger can also open any door, lock, safe, even get through doors secured with chains and dead bolts. Sometimes, Stephanie wonders if he's human, --- that maybe he's like Batman.👽💜💙💞

Grandma Mazur shot the turkey right in the "gumpy". But, in the Stephanie Plum movie, --- "One For The Money," Bernie Kuntz, the dinner guest, took it well, considering that Grandma's aim probably isn't very good and he could have been shot. 😋😆😅💖 Grandma also sometimes carries a .45 long barrel pistol in her big black patent leather purse. She figures age gives her some unique privileges. You never know who or what you're going to meet at a viewing at Stiva's Funeral Home, best to be prepared...
Here's Stephanie & Connie Rosolli, who's from a Mob family and is secretary at the bail bonds office where Stephanie works as a bounty hunter

AND, she DID put "vordo" on Stephanie, which was supposed to turn Stephanie into "Super Slut". (And, Stephanie then went out to buy a sexy red dress, -- and do other things. Like having quick sex with Ranger in his Porsche Turbo 911, --- precious little room, but she managed by sticking one leg out of the open door on the other side of the driver's seat, while the sweat ran down Ranger's face, as he was in the driver's seat.)
Stephanie once ran over Joe in her car, jumping the curb and breaking his leg, after she "sold him her cannoli" in back of the counter of the "Tasty Pastry" bakery. Well... That was because Joe literally "talked the pants off of her," and he never called her back. Not very nice, but to be expected... Of course, the extreme-hot and gorgeous teenage Joe was wild-as-hell, back then... "Half the girls in Jersey sold him their cannoli". Stephanie says, --- tall, handsome, leanly muscular Joe still has a high sex drive and is a master at it, --- "has testosterone oozing out of every pore". 💋💔💋💪👀.
Also, I'm absolutely sure Grandma Bella doesn't think Stephanie is even 1/16th good enough for her favorite grand son, Joseph Anthony. 😡💥💢💀

but, fortunately, he usually gacks it all up or poops it out the next day, and then he feels much, much better.
Uh... I'm pretty sure this, below, is, --- cartoon dude Mooner, cool Grandma Mazur, BFF Lula, skanky Janet Barnhardt (Stephanie's continual nemesis) & sleazy cousin Vinnie. 😎💗😛
and drives a vintage red Firebird with an audio system whose bass will give you heart irregularity and that's her "baby". (Uh, --- there actually is a real fried chicken fast food place in Trenton, on Hamilton Ave. It's called "CLUCK Chicken". 😆🍗🐔🐓😬. Stephanie worked at "Cluck-in-a-bucket," for one day, during which she partly caused a fire that burnt the place down.)
(Quotes from Ranger, below,,, 😏) >>>
Sometimes, Ranger would wear his hair slicked back in a ponytail.
Grandma Mazur shot the turkey right in the "gumpy". But, in the Stephanie Plum movie, --- "One For The Money," Bernie Kuntz, the dinner guest, took it well, considering that Grandma's aim probably isn't very good and he could have been shot. 😋😆😅💖 Grandma also sometimes carries a .45 long barrel pistol in her big black patent leather purse. She figures age gives her some unique privileges. You never know who or what you're going to meet at a viewing at Stiva's Funeral Home, best to be prepared...
and that's owned by Stephanie's weaselly cousin Vinnie... It gives Stephanie the creeps that Vinnie crawled up out of the Plum gene pool.
(A little of what I imagine Joe Morelli's scary, crazy Grandma Bella might look like, above.) Grandma Bella wants to put "the eye," --- "the EVIL eye," on Stephanie, with assorted spells.
AND, she DID put "vordo" on Stephanie, which was supposed to turn Stephanie into "Super Slut". (And, Stephanie then went out to buy a sexy red dress, -- and do other things. Like having quick sex with Ranger in his Porsche Turbo 911, --- precious little room, but she managed by sticking one leg out of the open door on the other side of the driver's seat, while the sweat ran down Ranger's face, as he was in the driver's seat.)
Stephanie once ran over Joe in her car, jumping the curb and breaking his leg, after she "sold him her cannoli" in back of the counter of the "Tasty Pastry" bakery. Well... That was because Joe literally "talked the pants off of her," and he never called her back. Not very nice, but to be expected... Of course, the extreme-hot and gorgeous teenage Joe was wild-as-hell, back then... "Half the girls in Jersey sold him their cannoli". Stephanie says, --- tall, handsome, leanly muscular Joe still has a high sex drive and is a master at it, --- "has testosterone oozing out of every pore". 💋💔💋💪👀.
Also, I'm absolutely sure Grandma Bella doesn't think Stephanie is even 1/16th good enough for her favorite grand son, Joseph Anthony. 😡💥💢💀
Maybe, Morelli looks a little like him.
Stephanie says Joe is all lean muscle and that physically he's getting better and better with age as his face and body is developing character, that Joe has the best butt in all of Jersey. I picture him too as having a lot of gorgeous, dazzling white teeth, and I think he'd use them really a lot. And, incredibly handsome and sexy Joe is also intelligent, has shown that he's a good, brave guy, has a warm, caring heart; he has a nice house, a king size bed, always has food in his frig, which he sometimes cooks. HMMM... What more could any girl possibly want???... (Stephanie's mom has changed her mind about Morelli, thinking NOW he might be her last chance at getting a husband. That is, after Dave Brewer, who turned out to be a serial killer, and the butcher fell through; --- mom was probably thinking a little about free rump roasts...,)
Joe adopted a big, very friendly and goofy, shaggy orange dog who's supposed to be a Golden Retriever. Bob The Happy Red Dog eats everything, everything. --- including over stuffed furniture, like Morelli's couch, and Stephanie's cute thong underwear, Bob even gets dog biscuits stuck to his fur,
but, fortunately, he usually gacks it all up or poops it out the next day, and then he feels much, much better.
Uh... I'm pretty sure this, below, is, --- cartoon dude Mooner, cool Grandma Mazur, BFF Lula, skanky Janet Barnhardt (Stephanie's continual nemesis) & sleazy cousin Vinnie. 😎💗😛
She was perfect as Lula, in the movie, "One For The Money"... Lula is Stephanie's sidekick and fellow bounty hunter-assistant, although she's supposed to be a file clerk at Vinnie's bail bond office. Lula is a plus-sized shop-a-holic who likes to wear animal print spandex that's way, way too small for her, 4 or 5 inch designer heels, and loves donuts and "Cluck-in-a-bucket" extra crispy fried chicken
and drives a vintage red Firebird with an audio system whose bass will give you heart irregularity and that's her "baby". (Uh, --- there actually is a real fried chicken fast food place in Trenton, on Hamilton Ave. It's called "CLUCK Chicken". 😆🍗🐔🐓😬. Stephanie worked at "Cluck-in-a-bucket," for one day, during which she partly caused a fire that burnt the place down.)
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