This is the wonderful and famous dish that pirates loved, and still do! [I made this for the re-enactment pirate crew of the Nightshade, at the 2008 Great Lakes Medieval Faire.] The name salmagundi probably comes from the French word "samine", which means highly seasoned. Salmagundi can be made with many kinds of meat. Pirates made it with sea turtle, which is, of course, endangered now, and wild boar or cattle, and fish.
I made mine with chicken... I used 2 packages of skinless, boneless chicken breasts, a package of jumbo cooked shrimp, a half dozen eggs, 2 cans of chicken broth, a large red onion, a big can of Chinese vegetables, a can of whole black olives, 2 cans mandarin oranges, and a can of chunk pineapple. I also used season salt, black pepper and garlic powder, plus shredded coconut as a garnish...
Fry chicken breasts in corn oil till done, set aside. Boil eggs, peel, set aside. Wash shrimp, set aside. In a large pot place the chicken broth, and other canned things with their juice. Dice the onion, medium fine, add. Add the shrimp, minus their tails. Dice chicken, add. Slice the eggs, add. Heat it up, slowly, stir, stir, so it doesn't burn on the bottom. You can thicken it with a little flour made into a paste in a cup of water, if you like, add this slowly to and, stir it as it thickens the juice.
Allow everything to simmer very low, till all the flavors are melded. Serve over white rice and garnish with shredded coconut.
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